Sunday, October 19, 2014

Easy math - great maths tool now available in windows phone Store!!

Easy math is new application that helps you to find solutions  of your math problems!!
Application features this functions!!
-Find Volume
-Surface Area of Solids
-find Area of any surface (2d)
-Arc Length
-Sector Area
-Pythagorean Theorem
-Right Triangle Trigonometry
-You can find distance between two points
-Oblique Triangles: This uses law of sine and cosine to solve triangles for you..
-Factors Quadratic Equations: x²+3x+2 -> (x+2)(x+1) or you can find higher power equation's solution too!!
-Finds roots of Quadratic Equations Including imaginary roots
-Synthetic Division
-Prime Factorization
-One Variable Statistics like Mean, median, deviation..etc. Just like a graphing calculator

Download it from here..


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